January 09, 2021

Oats and Diabetics

OATS is a popular food now. It is consumed by more elders than youngsters, more unhealthy persons than healthy. More Diabetic people than non-diabetics. It is a good food for everyone except thgose who have allergy to the grains. But the availability and price matters. It is cultivated in cold countries and now every Indian shops are stacking it in their shelves. This post is meant to tell you something about its glycemic load.

Those who are not familiar about Glycemic load/index, I wish to tell you it is something diabetic patients will verify before consuming any food. In other words it is level of sugar content that would work against the patients. The lower the index better for patients. How does it work and how to find out are specialties dealt by experts. For ordinary persons like me it is enough if I know a little more.
I checked with a patient who is a diabetic. He said I have problem with oats. It increases my sugar level. Further he added the Carb(-ohydrate) content of 100g of oats is 67.70. So wonder how it can reduce Blood Sugar? He has stopped consuming OATS because of his problem.

One Physician said,"We are not using the actual carb content to predict the effects in diabetes. It is based on the Glycemic index of the food. Gl calculates the glucose rise after consuming a food post prandially in 2hrs.The Glycemic index and glycemic load of Oats (Whole grain) are much lower compared to other foods. Hence they won't rise the Glucose in the body in comparison to others."

But the  had his experience and state:
"Still I think Carb of Oats is 20 and not advisable for Diabetes patients with long history of diabetes as I am among one and following moderate Keto and with rather good result. Oats meal spike my BS(blood sugar) on actual testing PP 2hrs."
I leave it there. Please consult your doctor if you are one having doubts.



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